Are you contemplating on joining our course? Here are some Bikram Yoga FAQs that might help you decide what’s best for you.
Is this Bikram Choudry Yoga Class?

Nope. We are not affiliated or associated with the Bikram Corporation which we believe no longer trades. Bikram Choudry does not attend our course. We would love for him to join us, he has brought a magnificent Hatha yoga sequence to the world. Bikram Choudry holds his own course in Mexico for approx. $USD13000 dollars takes 9 weeks and 18 hour days
How Is YogaFX Different From Other Styles Of Hot Yoga Class?
Classic Bikram Hot Yoga sequences usually contain 26 yoga poses and 2 breathing exercises. YogaFX Bikram Yoga Teacher Training was designed to add in some missing elements from classic sequences. Specifically: pose variety, core work, upper body strength, and hip openers and others, by using Ashtanga and Vinyasa instruction. All of these yoga sequences and classes are available in one amazing Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Course.
Most Yoga classes are more similar than different. Poses are practiced one-at-a-time, you look in the mirror when you practice, and the teacher uses their voice (more than their body or demonstrations) to lead you through the class safely and effectively. YogaFX Students come from classic Hot Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga style studios—and that’s great! And so many YogaFX students come from non-Bikram Hot Yoga backgrounds.

If you have any experience in any of these popular Yoga Sequences we would love to hear from you. Even if you are a beginner drop us a line. We are more than happy to give you some guidance on your next steps to becoming a great yoga teacher.
YogaFX always has some yoga students with many years of experience, and some that are very new to the practice. We have learned that while it is important to have practice experience, even more, important is your attitude. The most passionate and committed yoga students are always the most successful both during and after their yoga course. So, the best time to train is when you are most excited to learn.
What If I Don’t Want To Teach—But I Still Want To Train?
If you don’t want to become a yoga teacher but want to join the course. That’s fine. We have had many students that attend our Bikram Yoga Teacher Training for personal development, and many surprised themselves when they discovered they had a real passion for teaching—and many are now working professionally. So, you never know;)

Hot Yoga Common Questions
Hot Yoga is one of the fastest-growing styles of yoga in the world. It consists of 26 and 2 classic hatha yoga poses practiced in a heated room. The YogaFX Bikram Teacher Training in Bali does not use electric munching environment nasty heaters. Bali is a constant 34C, so we only use the all-natural Bali Heat. Our Yoga Teacher Training Bali includes more variations and a variety of postures including hip openers, core poses, and upper body strengthening poses that many Hot Yoga Teacher Training students found missing from their courses.
Is Bikram Hot Yoga Copyrighted?

No, times have changed. Over the years, a few outspoken individuals have attempted to lay copyright claims to yoga styles and sequences, and it has always been unsuccessful. You cannot “own” a yoga pose or sequence of poses any more than you can “own” a series of dance moves. There used to be misinformation circulating about “copyrighted sequences”. Copyrights of yoga poses or sequences do not and will never exist. You can teach whatever you like, yoga is open-source owned by everyone, and we at YogaFX our proud to teach you how to become a great yoga teacher.
Is Hot Yoga Safe During Pregnancy?
There are many views regarding doing hot yoga during pregnancy. Some experts argue that hot yoga should not be practised during pregnancy, while some say that it is safe to continue practising hot yoga during pregnancy, provided that the pregnant woman has already been doing it over a period of time.
Doctors worry that hot yoga can increase the temperature of a new mother’s body but yoga instructors say that the body temperature goes up only by one degree when practising hot yoga, so there is nothing to worry about. It is up to the mother to make the choice which is suitable for her.
How Is YogaFX Hot Yoga Class Different?

Like most Hot Yoga styles, YogaFX Hot Yoga is a very active practice where poses are done one at a time in the mirror. Postures are done slowly, with sometimes long holds and extensive instruction to help all levels of yoga students go deeper with safety and proper alignment. The big difference with YogaFX is we offer more variations, a more well-rounded sequence, and we are warm and kind to our students. We make classes light, knowledgeable, and with the very beneficial health benefits of course.
Will I Be Restricted To Only One Style Of Yoga?

No, your yoga teaching career is your choice. Most of our YogaFX graduates end up teaching multiple styles of yoga, many within their first year of graduating. The most important thing is to establish a firm base in a fixed series and the Bikram Yoga Sequence is perfect for this. After your graduation, you can choose how to develop your own teaching practice and class. But most importantly you will have a solid yoga teaching foundation sequence from which to build upon. Be it Bikram, Ashtanga, Vinyasa. It’s quite simple to learn additional series from a solid foundation.
How Many Students Are There Per Course?

Our course sizes vary from 20-50 students, but our teacher-to-student ratio always remains high. We maintain 1 teacher for every 15 students (or less) so you get plenty of personal attention. Your teachers know your name and your history, and it’s a very personal experience. In the yoga teacher training industry, we are unmatched with our huge teaching resources, often double the team size of similar courses.