by | Feb 15, 2021

Bikram Yoga for Weight Loss


Since warmer muscles can burn more calories, Bikram yoga is an excellent type of yoga for weight loss. This amount will depend upon how much effort you put into each class.

Started in the 1970s by Bikram Choudhury, Bikram yoga or Hot yoga is considered to be one of the most intense forms of yoga present. The Bikram yoga routine consists of 26 postures or yoga asanas performed in a room heated to 105 degrees for over ninety minutes.

The principle behind the practice of Bikram yoga is that the heat increases the detoxification of the body

In order to maximize the benefits of Bikram yoga, a diet change is recommended (though not imperative) and weight loss. While there is no specific Bikram yoga diet plan, there are general guidelines about what to eat before and after a Bikram yoga class as well as what food is beneficial when practicing this form of yoga and will lose weight.

These include:

  1. Eat several small light meals throughout the day instead of three heavy ones.
  2. Make sure that your meals consist of some form of protein and whole grains to keep energy levels up.
  3. Keep your consumption of fatty foods, caffeine, refined sugar, and dairy products to a minimum.
  4. Many people insist that their digestion changes after practicing Bikram yoga for a while. Spicy foods and junk foods now sit heavily in the stomach and are no longer as enjoyable as before making weight loss and calorie control a whole lot easier.

After a few sessions of your own, you will know what works best for your body

  1. Bikram yoga tends to make you ravenous. After a class, it would be better to keep on hand some healthy energy boosters such as nuts or a banana or some fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
  2. As you continue your practice of Bikram yoga you will become more attuned with your body and begin to differentiate between actual hunger pangs and eating out of boredom or for emotional reasons.
  3. A lot of people believe that Bikram yoga demands a vegetarian diet. This is not true though you may benefit from switching to leaner meats such as chicken or turkey over beef or pork. The main goal of a Bikram yoga diet is to provide the proper nutrition and help the body maximize its capability.
  4. An ideal Bikram yoga food plan would involve meals that are unprocessed and devoid of harmful additives and other chemicals. Try to buy mainly organic produce and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Bikram Yoga Diet Tips

weight loss with bikram yoga _ YogaFX1. For the best results, try and make at least three classes a week, or ten classes a month. Bikram yoga teachers insist that this is the minimum amount of sessions. If you can do more classes, aim for five days a week and watch how your body gets transformed. These classes have to be complemented with a proper diet recommended by your yoga practitioner.

2. Keep in mind that weight loss with Bikram yoga is a gradual process and therefore you will have to keep to the diet for a longer time.

3. Always consult your doctor before beginning Bikram yoga classes or any diet plan. The rigors of Bikram yoga may not suit everyone and it is better to get the all-clear from your doctor before committing to any number of classes.

Bikram Yoga Diet Benefitsweight loss - YogaFX

  1. Improving the lymphatic system and helping flush the body of toxins
  2. Improving metabolism and making weight loss easier
  3. Lessening unhealthy food cravings
  4. Treating any digestive problems
  5. Building muscle tone
  6. Burning between 600 to 1500 calories per session

If you want to see results faster, it would be better to change your diet for hot yoga

