by | Jun 15, 2023

12 Mantras of Surya Namaskar: Embrace the Spiritual Journey

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Embarking on the journey of Surya Namaskar, a revered practice in the realm of yoga. Opens a pathway to a harmonious union of mind, body, and spirit. Among the various aspects that enrich this sun salutation sequence, the recitation of mantras holds profound significance. These 12 mantras of Surya Namaskar encapsulate the essence of reverence, gratitude, and divine connection. Guiding practitioners through a transformative experience. Let us delve into the profound wisdom encapsulated within each mantra. And unlock the spiritual secrets they unveil, empowering us. So embrace the radiant energy of the sun and embrace our inner light.

Bikram Yoga Bali

Mantra 1: Om Mitraya Namaha

As we begin our Surya Namaskar practice, we invoke the mantra “Om Mitraya Namaha,”. The meaning salutations to the friend of all. This mantra connects us to the universal energy of friendship and benevolence. It reminds us to cultivate compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others throughout our hot yoga journey.

Mantra 2: Om Ravaye Namaha

With the mantra “Om Ravaye Namaha,” we embrace the energy of the sun as a source of vitality and strength. This mantra encourages us to tap into the power within, allowing the radiant energy of the sun. And to invigorate and empower us during our 26 and 2 yoga practice.

Mantra 3: Om Suryaya Namaha

The mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha” invites us to express gratitude for the life-giving properties of the sun. It reminds us to honor and appreciate the warmth and nourishment. And provided by the sun’s rays during our Bikram yoga sessions. Through this mantra, we deepen our connection to the divine energy that sustains us.

Mantra 4: Om Bhanave Namaha

As we chant the mantra “Om Bhanave Namaha,” we invoke the illuminating qualities of the sun. This mantra encourages us to seek knowledge and enlightenment. Allowing us to expand our mental clarity and wisdom throughout our hot yoga practice.

Mantra 5: Om Khagaya Namaha

The mantra “Om Khagaya Namaha” represents a connection to celestial beings and invokes a sense of lightness and freedom. It encourages us to let go of limitations and embrace the joy of movement and breath.

Mantra 6: Om Pushne Namaha

With the mantra “Om Pushne Namaha,” we recognize the nourishing and sustaining qualities of the sun. This mantra reminds us to be mindful of the nourishment our bodies. Also require during Bikram yoga sessions, allowing us to fuel our practice and enhance our well-being.

Bikram Yoga Bali

Mantra 7: Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha

The mantra “Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namaha” connects us to the golden womb of creation. It encourages us to tap into the transformative power of Surya Namaskar. And allowing us to shed old patterns and embrace new beginnings on our hot yoga journey.

Mantra 8: Om Marichaye Namaha

Through the mantra “Om Marichaye Namaha,” we tap into our inner radiance and spiritual illumination. This mantra reminds us to embrace our authentic selves and shine our light brightly throughout our Bikram yoga practice.

Mantra 9: Om Adityaya Namaha

The mantra “Om Adityaya Namaha” connects us to the cosmic sun god Aditya, representing transformation and renewal. It encourages us to embrace the transformative power of Surya Namaskar. And allowing us to grow and evolve on our yoga journey.

Mantra 10: Om Savitre Namaha

With the mantra “Om Savitre Namaha,” we invoke the rejuvenating energy of the solar deity Savitri. This mantra encourages us to embrace vitality and renewal in our 26 and 2 yoga practice. And allowing us to tap into our inner strength and resilience.

Mantra 11: Om Arkaya Namaha

The mantra “Om Arkaya Namaha” represents the sun’s radiance and its association with empowerment. It reminds us to cultivate inner strength and confidence. And enabling us to face challenges with grace and resilience throughout our Bikram yoga sessions.


Mantra 12: Om Bhaskaraya Namaha

As we conclude our Surya Namaskar practice, we chant the mantra “Om Bhaskaraya Namaha”. It’s to honor the illuminator of the universe. This mantra invites us to embrace the divine light within and radiate it outwards. Also lluminating our own lives and the lives of those around us.

Bikram Yoga Bali

Conclusion Of 12 Mantras Of Surya namaskar:

The 12 mantras of Surya Namaskar offer a profound journey of self-discovery. Also spiritual connection through the practice of hot yoga. As we embrace these mantras, we unlock the transformative power within us. And invite the radiant energy of the sun into our lives. If you are inspired to dive deeper into the world of hot yoga and Surya Namaskar. Consider joining a Yoga Alliance certified hot yoga teacher training program. Such as the Bikram Hot YogaFX training offered by Mr. Ian of YogaFX. These trainings provide an opportunity to deepen your practice, gain valuable teaching skills, and become part of a supportive community. And for an unforgettable experience, consider exploring the beautiful island of Bali. So you will immersing yourself in the teachings of Bikram YogaFX. Discover the transformative power of Surya Namaskar and unlock your true potential amidst the tropical paradise of Bali.
